
You can install the application by going to Salesforce AppExchange –> Search for Docs Made Easy –> Click on Get it Now. Or simply just click here and install.

For more information on the installation process and steps, click here.

Docs Made Easy is available for free on Salesforce AppExchange, whereas other apps can cost you a minimum of $20-$30 every month. You can get the app here.

Our technical team has designed the app while keeping users like you in mind. You will be able to use the app with ease even when you have no or limited technical knowledge. Docs Made Easy has dynamic field mapping and is easy to set up as it requires no code.

Docs Made Easy for Salesforce document generation allows you to create robust and professional-looking digital documents directly from Salesforce. You can create presentations, reports, quotes, invoices, contracts, and more by merging data from any standard or custom object into richly formatted templates. And, all these documents in the format that you like- Docx, PDF, PPT, and more.

Docs Made Easy allows you to create presentations, reports, quotes, invoices, contracts, and more in the format that you like- Docx, PDF, PPT, and more.

Docs Made Easy functions in Professional, Enterprise, Essential, Unlimited, Force.com, Developer, and Performance.

You can automatically generate documents on Docs Made Easy using Button or Process Builder.

Yes, we do have a user guide for Docs Made Easy. Click here to access our user guide.

Yes, we have a feature or apex class that you can use in flows or process builders to invoke the Docs Made Easy document generation feature.

You can certainly attain this functionality using our app. Please get in touch with support team to provide you with details.

Yes, you can install the Docs Made Easy App in Sandbox. Also, we can help you out to know what you are currently missing if you need our support, click here to schedule a call.

You can get Merge Fields from two places. On the setup page, when you get to add a template or create a new. When you click create new, you get a merge field helper page. And, on the composer page, from where you can access the build your own button.

Yes, we have a YouTube video for your query. Click here to watch the video.

We don’t have Mass Merge functionality in our App. This feature is yet to be implemented in our next release. Please stay tuned with us.

Yes, you can write conditional statements in your document template editor while using our app.

Please get in touch with support team to provide you with details.

You can uninstall the Docs Made Easy by following the steps: go to setup -> installed packages -> Click on docs made easy -> click on uninstall.

Yes, you can generate the document via a process builder.

You can certainly attain this functionality using our app. Please get in touch with support team to provide you with details.

Docs Made Easy app doesn’t have this feature as of now. But you can expect this in our new release or in pro features.

Yes, you can specify template and recipient in the button while using this parameter directemailsender=1 in the button url.

There is no license agreement to use our App Docs Made Easy. Our app follows the Standard Salesforce terms of Service agreement.

Yes. Simply add the ofn parameter in the button code.

{!ObjectAPiName.Field Name}OR Custom name



&ofn= Test file

just add any field or hardcoded string.


Yes, for now, we support table and summary reports. All you need to do is pass the report Id in the parameter and it will work.

Docs Made Easy is not native as we do advanced document processing which is not possible in Apex. However, we still do not save any of your information on our database.

You need to add ofn parameter in the button code to generate the documents with a custom name. Here is the syntax,
&ofn=Test Account file.
You can add any field or string to generate the document.

You can use an HTML tag to add Rich Text Area fields to templates. Example – {{HTML:Account.Description}}

To enable the non-admin users to use the Docs Made Easy app, You need to create the permission set for the below items-

  • Document Template
  • Document Email Template
  • Document Query
  • Composer VF page

Yes, we can create a filter for child relationships using document query with PV0 filters.

To obtain the report data, you must add the Report ID to the button.

You can achieve that by using the adjust date feature.

{{ADJUST: MyDateField:Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minute:Second}}


No, it can’t be set as default but you can use the bgm=3 parameter. Using this parameter, your background mode and file will be appended to chatter and downloaded as well.

All new non-admin users, starting to use Docs Made Easy needs to click on the ‘Authorize App’ button. After clicking, a new window appears for permissions, and there is an ‘Allow’ button at the bottom. Only after creating permission sets and allowing them,  new users will be able to use Docs Made Easy.

{{HYPERLINK:Opportunity.Description}} parameter is used to create in docx or Pdf Format.

Yes, we can achieve that by By putting \# after the merge field.

Our application uses Salesforce Standard Authentication which is generated when the user has generated the password.

Scratch orgs from Trailhead accounts are auto-generated orgs which doesn’t have password by default.

Users have to generate the password for the org. Once the password is generated and the user logs in normally, it will work as expected.

To send the merged pdf as an attachment in bgm, you need to add directstandardemail=1 in the button URL.

The server of Docs Made Easy is located in Oregon, United States.